Über uns

Enabler for digital Transformation

We make the world more digital and bring applied data analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence from research to business. Our team of physicists, mathematicians and other multi-talents is innovation-driven, curious about future technologies and has rich experience in data-driven industrial projects.

  • C.H.A.O.S. creates order in our company. This may sound strange, but it's true. Since 2019, we have made our way of working as a team more agile, and switched from traditional project management to Scrum. After about a year, we realized that Scrum wasn't quite right for us. This is because are a relatively small team that mainly works on various data science projects for different customers in parallel, rather than working on a single large software project together.

    Gradually, however, we have developed our own way as a team and are trying to structure our way of working in a completely undogmatic way. Of course, the whole endeavor has also been given a suitable acronym: C.H.A.O.S., a Certainly Helpful Adaptation Of Scrum.

    We continuously rely on transparency and efficient communication within the team. We believe it to be essential to start a sprint with a "planning" and end it with a "retro". The daily stand-ups and the possibility to ask for support at any time are also crucial. In general, the team is given more freedom to organize itself independently. It is important to have feedback loops in place, and that new things can be tried out quickly.